CFA 21/NOV/02-5


Jefferson Memorial
East Basin Drive, SW
United States

National Park Service
Jefferson Memorial
Perimeter security barriers. (Previous: CFA 16/MAY/02-2)
Review Type
Revised concept


Dear Mr. Carlstrom:

During its meeting on 21 November, the Commission reviewed the development of the concept designs for the perimeter security improvements around the Jefferson Memorial. We are pleased with your response to our previous comments, particularly the relocation of the bus stop and handicapped parking away from the central axis and vista of the Memorial. However, concerns were raised in relation to the use of bollards and the finish of the seating walls.

It is very important to make sure that the proposed new walls fit within the site's context without appearing to be an afterthought or a contemporary intervention. The smooth flame finish of the granite seating walls at the.nodes is out-of-character with the historic landscape and the proposed ashlar stone walls. The detailing of these walls need further study and other options must be considered.

The members expressed caution on the extent and use of bollards, particularly in front of the south lawn. This may be an opportunity to use elements of the proposed design seen elsewhere on the site to make the area part of the whole, rather than let it speak in a different design vocabulary.

We look forward to reviewing the development and study of new design options at your earliest convenience.

Harry G. Robinson III, FAIA

Terry R. Carlstrom
Regional Director
National Capital Region
National Park Service 1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242

cc: John Parsons, NPS
Jeff Lee, Lee+ Liu Landscape Architects
Michael Broderick, McKissack & McKissack