OG 05-132

HPA number
HPA 05-223

3315 Cady's Alley, NW
United States

Leopold Kafe
Retractable sails cover over plaza, awning, light fixtures, pin-mounted sign and alterations
Review Type
Permit - revised design


No objection to issuance of permit ONLY for proposed revisions to approved design to include installation of two light fixtures with aluminum finish to either side of courtyard storefront as shown in supplemental information received and dated 6 April 2005. Existing light fixtures which were installed without review or permit must be removed no later than 31 July 2005. See previous Recommendation (OG 04-263). File separate submission for concept review of proposed retractable sails over the plaza, awning, pin-mounted sign and alterations, which have been deleted from this permit application.