OG 12-253

HPA number
HPA 12-409

2912 N Street, NW
United States

Rear addition and alterations
Review Type


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations, including removal of existing greenhouse and new addition at third floor, additions at lower level of tower element, extension of terrace and relocation of existing rooftop mechanical equipment to the roof of the addition in a location where it will not be visible from N Street as shown in supplemental drawings dated 19 June 2012 which indicate shutters on paired windows and on door on tower element were deleted from this permit application. File a new submission of screening for mechanical equipment with permit application for review by the Commission if equipment is visible from the street in its new location. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the exterior design made during DCRA technical review must be re-submitted to the Commission for approval prior to issuance of permit.