OG 13-023

HPA number
HPA 13-043

3424 Reservoir Road, NW
United States

Replacement windows - existing
Review Type


The Commission regrets that the windows in the historic building were replaced prior to review or permit. Recommend AGAINST issuance of permit for existing insulated windows with simulated-divided-light muntins on the front and side facades where they are visible from the street. Existing windows, which are not compatible with the historic character of this residence, one in a row of four with similar window trim, must be removed no later than 30 September 2013 and replaced with custom made single-glazed, double-hung, wood windows to replicate detailing, profile and trim of original windows. Recommend use of either exterior or interior storm windows. Recommend installation of operable louvered wood shutters sized to cover the window when closed. File new submission of detailed drawings and cut-sheets for new windows and shutters, with permit application no later than the deadline of 15 August 2013, for review by the Commission.