SL 12-121


660 North Capitol Street, NW
United States

D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Office building
New eight–story office building
Review Type
Previous Review


Dear Mr. Grigg:

In its meeting of 19 July, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed a new concept submission for a proposed eight-story office building at 660 North Capitol Street, NW (case number SL 12-121), and approved the design presented as Option 1.

In their discussion, the Commission members recommended careful attention to the detailing of the curtainwall in order to ensure that the intended simplicity of the proposed design is realized. They preferred the alternative without an exposed metal channel, and they supported the use of a frit pattern on office windows to screen the clutter below desk height.

The Commission understands that this proposal supersedes the facade treatment in the previous concept design (SL 04-106), approved in 2004, and looks forward toreview of the final design. Please coordinate the next submission with the staff which, as always, is available to assist you.


/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA

Steven Grigg, President
Republic Properties Corporation
1280 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 280
Washington, DC 20024

cc: Lewis Goetz, Leo A Daly