OG 06-097

HPA number
HPA 06-157

3000 K Street, NW
United States

Agraria Restaurant
Alterations to storefront, new windows, awnings with signs, internally-illuminated sign, outdoor cafe: tables, chairs and umbrellas
Review Type


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations to storefront, new transom windows, replacement woven-fabric awnings, outdoor cafe with tables, chairs and umbrellas (with no lettering), and sign scheme composed of letters reading 'Agraria' as shown in supplemental drawings received and dated 8 March 2006 which indicate the sign on entrance marquee is composed of 1'-4" high steel letters back-lit on backplate for 'halo' effect. Internally-illuminated sign was NOT approved and has been deleted from this permit application. Recommend waiver of 12-inch height limit for letters of marquee sign in this location.