CFA 18/MAY/06-3

U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of the Army
Bakers Creek Air Crash Memorial Marker. Temporarily displayed at the Australian Embassy, 1601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW until final location is determined
Review Type


Dear Mr. Metz:

In the meeting of 18 May, the Commission of Fine Arts reviewed the design of the proposed Bakers Creek Air Crash Memorial Marker and approved the design as submitted. The Commission commented that the proposed design was dignified, appropriately sized, and would be a fitting commemorative monument to the casualties.

The Commission acknowledges that the marker will be displayed temporarily at the Australian Embassy on Massachusetts Avenue until a final location is approved for the marker. During the presentation, several permanent locations for the marker were mentioned, including the grounds of Fort Myer and Arlington National Cemetery. Options for the marker's permanent location should be carefully considered for appropriateness, ease of access for families of the victims involved, and a relevant connection to military aviation. The members look forward to a submission of all the potential locations under consideration for the marker and the Commission staff is available to assist you in identifying specific sites.


/s/Thomas Luebke, AIA

Mr. Bill Metz, Executive Staff Assistant
Office of the Administrative Assistant
to the Secretary of the Army
Office of the Secretary of the Army
105 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-0105

cc: Robert S. Cutler, Bakers Creed Memorial Association (USA)
John Metzler, Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery