OG 03-241

HPA number
HPA 03-439

2908 N Street, NW
United States

2-story rear addition at basement level
Review Type
Permit - revised design


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed 2-story rear addition as shown in supplemental drawings received and dated 17 November 2003 which indicate side windows at second floor level deleted, brick used on all the walls of the new construction, and evergreen landscaping on raised planters to provide screening between adjoining properties. Note is made that permit application is pending final zoning review. Any modifications to the approved design as a result of further review in the permit process must be submitted to the Commission for approval. NOTE: The Board appreciates applicant's latest efforts to redesign project to provide screening and privacy, but feels addition of pergola and lattice created the opposite effect from the desired reduction of the apparent scale of addition. Upon further consideration of options, the Board feels earlier design shown in September, with some adjustments as indicated above, is acceptable and may have been reduced in mass during the review process to be hardly visible from public view.