OG 05-099

HPA number
HPA 05-172

Commerce Bank NA
1611 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (Lot 101 - Square 1280)
United States

D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Commerce Bank
Two-story bank building, alterations to parking lot and landscaping - revised design
Review Type


No objection to the general concept of the proposed demolition of the Reed Electric building and to the construction of a new two-story Commerce Bank branch building on this prominent site on upper Wisconsin Avenue as shown in supplemental drawings received and dated 16 March 2005. Recommend further study of increased use of brick, particularly on the south facade; reconsideration of trellis with vines; further study of depth of cornice detail; and submission of sign scheme and alternative locations for the roof-top antennas. No objection to proposed landscaping treatment surrounding the parking lot. File new submission of concept design development for review by the Commission and its Old Georgetown Board when ready.

/s/Frederick J. Lindstrom
Acting Secretary