OG 11-047

HPA number
HPA 11-072

1403 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
United States

Back-lit signs for CVS
Review Type


No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations to existing signs composed of 12-inch-high channel letters reading 'CVS/Pharmacy' to add back-lit illumination, opaque faces painted red and 24 hours box sign no taller than 12 inches high as shown in supplemental drawings dated 9 February 2011. Sign on O St. closest to residential neighborhood will not be illuminated. Note: replaced front doors do not conform to approved design (see case OG 07-070) and must be filed for review by the Commission. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the exterior design made during DCRA technical review must be re-submitted to the Commission for approval prior to issuance of permit.