CFA 18/APR/19-f


1830 Constitution Avenue, NE
Washington, DC
United States

D.C. Department of General Services
Eliot-Hine Middle School
Building renovation and additions
Review Type
Previous Review


Project approved by delegation. See letter dated 1 April 2019. Final plans conform to previously approved concept design. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office.


Dear Mr. Anderson:

The staff of the Commission of Fine Arts has reviewed the final design documents for the proposed additions and alterations to the Eliot-Hine Middle School, located at 1830 Constitution Avenue, NE. The staff has no objections to the final design documents for the project as submitted.

With the authority delegated by the Commission at its meeting of 17 May 2018, we approve the final plans for the project, as documented in the materials received and dated 28 March 2019. If there are any additional changes, please contact the staff to determine if additional review will be required. As always, the staff is available to assist you with future submissions.


/s/Thomas E. Luebke, FAIA

Keith A. Anderson, Director
D.C. Department of General Services
2000 14th Street, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20009

cc: Sean O’Donnell, Perkins Eastman DC