SL 17-140

HPA number
HPA 17-499

801 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
United States

Market Square
Rooftop addition
Review Type


No objection to the concept for modifications to an existing roof terrace and for the construction of additions and modifications to an existing penthouse, as shown in materials received and dated 7 July 2017 and supplemental materials received and dated 13 September 2017 and 25 September 2017. Recommend consideration of a separate roof access elevator located in a less visible part of the roof. Recommend that the applicant continue to consult with CFA staff in the development of the design prior to the submission of a permit application. Cellular antennas shown in submitted materials are not included in this review. Refer to US General Services Administration. Refer to National Capital Planning Commission. Refer to DC Historic Preservation Office. Note: This is a concept approval only. When ready, submit the permit drawings and a permit application to DCRA for review by the Commission.