CFA 21/JUL/16-s
3219 O Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed skylight, two matching dormers with hipped roofs and mechanical louvers, and the replacement of the metal doors at building entrances with solid wood paneled doors per drawings received 23 June 2016 which indicate dormers clad in sheet metal and set back from the east wall of the building. File new submission of working drawings for mechanical vault, including dimensions and details of surface grate, with permit application for review by the Commission. Refer to the Historic Preservation Review Board. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-188
3327 M Street, NW
United States
No objection to concept design for proposed signs as shown in Option C, including three flush-mounted sign panels reading "Poggenpohl", and non-illuminated letters no taller than 12 inches reading "Kitchen Design Studio" mounted below the second floor windows on both elevations PROVIDED that sign-1 mounted on free standing wall is a non-illuminated sign per supplemental drawings received ___ July 2016. All stainless steel letters to have satin (matte) finish. File new submission of detailed and dimensioned drawings for all signs with permit application for review by the Commission.
OG 16-216
3265 M Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations per supplemental drawings received ___ July 2016 which indicate retention of original second floor joists, and rooftop mechanical equipment located where it would not be visible from a public thoroughfare (per inspection of mock-up on 6 July 2016). Coordinate with Commission's staff during construction/partial demolition. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-236
3319-A Cady's Alley, NW
United States
OG 16-241
3420 P Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations, including one-story rear addition, demolition of northern bay of garage structure, porch enclosure at east elevation, replacement windows, permeable terrace on sand and gravel base, landscaping and site work per supplemental drawings received 16 June 2016 which indicate retention of masonry walls around indented porch, repair of original wood windows, repair of stained glass at front facade, and 2/2 all-wood insulated windows with 1 3/4 inch-wide true divided light wood muntins to replace multi-light non-original windows. Use half-screens only. Mechanical equipment on roof to be located where it would not be visible from a public thoroughfare. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-251
3348 Prospect Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations to basement fenestration, replacement of vinyl windows with 1/1 all-wood windows, and replacement wood doors per drawings received ___ July 2016 which indicate stone cap at parapet, which was not approved, is deleted. Wood windows at first floor to remain. New wood windows to be sized to fit masonry opening without in-fills or secondary frame; wood brick mould to remain. Use half-screens, if desired. Rooftop mechanical equipment and skylights to be located where they would not be visible from a public thoroughfare. Recommend replacement of brick stair with a compatible metal stair. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-252
2723 Q Street, NW
United States
OG 16-254
3029 Dent Place, NW
United States
OG 16-257
1623 35th Street, NW
United States
OG 16-259
1621 35th Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed replacement of windows on this 1961 building with all-wood insulated windows with 5/8 inch simulated-divided-lite wood muntins PROVIDED windows match pattern, configuration, profile and details of existing windows, are sized to fit masonry opening without fillers or secondary frames, and half-sceens are used. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-260
3222-3236 M Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit to remove step at entrance and introduce new recessed pair of wood doors per drawings received 17 June 2016. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-261
3600 M Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations including new storefronts at SW corner of the Car Barn, replacement wood windows with 1 3/4 inch wide true divided light muntins at first floor on west elevation, and new access ramp in public space PROVIDED new concrete slab at storefronts is reconfigured per supplemental drawings received ___ July 2016. The proposed notch at the base of the refurbished historic wood doors was not approved and was deleted from the drawings. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-265
2812 Dumbarton Street, NW
United States
OG 16-270
1226-1228 36th Street, NW
United States
OG 16-271
1226-1228 36th Street, NW
United States
OG 16-278
3275 M Street, NW
United States
OG 16-281
1536 32nd Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for new fenestration and dormers per drawings received 23 June 2016 which indicate new dormers are no wider than 3'-1 1/2" and no taller than 4'-9". Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-283
2809 Dumbarton Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed alterations and replacement windows per supplemental drawings received 6 July 2016 which indicate 1956 eave line continued along west wall, wood in-fill panels, wood replacement windows, retention of segmental arches at rear ell, and no more than three light fixtures at side yard. Spot lights were removed from this permit application. File new submission of detailed drawings for landscape lighting with permit application for review by the Commission. Note that The L'Enfant Trust holds an easement on this property. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-284
3247 P Street, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for proposed site work, including sliding vehicular gate, brick garden walls, replacement wood fence, re-grading of side yard, permeable terraces on sand and gravel base, and new landscaping per supplemental drawings received 6 July 2016 which indicate wood fence at west property line no taller than 7 feet above the raised grade at neighbor's terrace. Recommend landscaping be used for screening. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-285
1238 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
United States
No objection to issuance of permit for steel columns and beams in rear yard to support mechanical units per drawings received 23 June 2016. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.
OG 16-289
1815 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
United States
OG 16-292
3009 Dumbarton Street, NW
United States
No objecting to issuance of permit for two-story rear addition and site work per supplemental drawings received ___ July 2016. Note: Any subsequent modifications to the approved design, including those made during DCRA technical review, must be resubmitted to the Commission for approval prior to the issuance of a permit.